It’s more efficient
The Flexojet is an all-digital process that takes just a few clicks on the computer for the copy to be printed to plates. Where in the past additional time was required to make a negative of the image, this part is skipped. Instead, the Flexojet produces what is called an opaque mask, acting in a similar manner to a negative without the extra step and materials. As with the old process, the plates are hardened and sealed, keeping oxygen from hindering the print and keeping the quality at its highest.
Higher quality printing
The new Flexojet has and will continue to show benefits to not only Louisville Label but to you, the customer. Just from the experience we have had in the past few weeks, we have been able to print higher quality plates with a great improvement in finer detail. Four color process and other, more difficult prints are being successfully made in-house with the same precision as plates purchased from our high quality supplier. We are now able to print higher line screens of any one color and are maximizing the variety of printing dots, gaining optimal consistency and coverage.
Feel free to ask us a question about our new addition and tell us how we can help to continue improving your labels.
Or request free sample labels to see for yourself what the new platemaker is like!