Maybe you’ve tried Big Daddy’s BBQ sauce and marveled over its amazing knack to flavor ribs or freshly grilled chicken. You noticed its incredible blend of spices and seasonings and it’s creative label with the tough-looking pig on the front. But did you notice that Big Daddy’s is also a Kentucky Proud product, a designation that takes some persistence and some approval before those words can be printed on the label.
To encourage the use and recognition of locally grown products, the Kentucky Proud designation is granted to licensed, qualified applicants who produce agricultural products grown and/or processed in Kentucky. Here are a few of the qualifications a product must meet in order to be eligible for the Kentucky Proud designation.
- The product’s major ingredients shall be grown and/or processed in Kentucky.
- The farm where the ingredients are grown, processing/production facilities, or corporate headquarters shall be located in Kentucky.
- Facilities shall meet all State and Federal regulations where applicable. Products shall meet or exceed USDA and/or State of Kentucky standards where applicable.
- Any person, farm, or firm marketing Kentucky grown and/or processed agricultural or food products may submit an application to use the “Kentucky Proud” logo on eligible products.
- Applicants will agree to allow visits to to production and/or processing facilities to verify compliance with guidelines.
- Applicants shall provide a description of products, packaging and proposed marketing materials. When applicable, a label and sample of the product in a finished package shall be provided. All applicants shall provide a copy of appropriate licenses, health certifications, or records of inspection by appropriate state or federal agency when applicable.
After an application has been submitted to the Kentucky Department of Agriculture, it will be evaluated to make sure the product meets all standards and guidelines. If approved, the applicant will receive some marketing and merchandising assistance from the Department of Agriculture.
The goal of Kentucky Proud is Investing for Success and the secret ingredient in Kentucky Proud products is the hard work and dedication of Kentucky’s farm families. That goal is also promoted through numerous Farmer’s Markets throughout the area and the promotion of local growers and producers in the area. If you would like more information on Kentucky Proud and the many products that meet those standards, please visit their website. If you are a Kentucky Proud customer and would like information on how to print your label on your new product, click here and we will help get you started. We look forward to supporting our local businesses.